Monday, April 30, 2018

May 2018

Hello Preschool Families                                                            May 2018


For the month of May we will be talking about insects and bugs.  We will learn the body parts of an insect and what makes insects different than bugs.  We will learn some new insect/bug vocabulary words.  We will watch a few educational you tube clips to help teach us about this topic. 


This week we are just touching upon the topic and learning what makes an insect.


We will have a few new toys out to play with – k'nex, magnet dress up dolls, bristle blocks, alphabet transformers, felt board and felt pieces, and of course magnet tiles.


We will have sand with letter sea shells and tools to play with.  Also we will have water beads and bugs in the water tables.


Our dress up area will be food, dishes, and babies.  We will build bug homes in our block area.


Miss Taylor is ordering us 5 caterpillars to watch turn into a butterflies – hopefully they arrive soon.



I am out this Friday for an all-day conference – Friday May 4

Friday June 15th – Last day of school




·         Milk caps and lids

·         Black beans


Thank you


Monday, April 16, 2018

Books this week

This is our last week reading fairy tales. We will be talking about Jack and the Beanstalk. We have several fun activities and projects to go along with this theme this week.

Books this week

This is our last week reading fairy tales. We will be talking about Jack and the Beanstalk. We have several fun activities and projects to go along with this theme this week.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018